Fates and Crafts

Director: Alexey Batalov

Genre: Documentary

Runtime: 52'

Year: 2008

Summary: This film was made by Alexey Batalov about himself. One can call it the author’s confession. He wrote the script, and then from the screen, as a storyteller, he brilliantly narrated the adventures of his life. Disappearing behind the persona of the narrator, switching the tone of his voice, he introduces us to the world of the years of his childhood, adolescence, youth and maturity. The whole epoch opens before the audience, who learn not only the biography of the main character, but his thoughts and feelings, his heart and mind. He tells us those relevant details that build up the real life of a person. We learn about his mother and the extraordinary people who surrounded her.
It turns out that Batalov knew Anna Akhmatova quite well. She used to stay in the same apartment house when she came to Moscow. Besides, many other prominent people were guests in their home: Boris Pasternak, who read his unpublished novel “Doctor Zhivago” there, Russian poet Osip Mandelstam, writers Yury Olesha, Mikhail Zoshchenko, and many many others.
Batalov is very strict in the structure of his narrative. He thoroughly chooses fateful events of his life. Nothing more, no empty words. The film is dynamic, powerful, heart stirring and exciting.

Heavier Than Air

Director: Ildar Islamgulov

Genre: Documentary

Runtime: 52'

Year: 2012

Summary: The film is about a prominent inventor, designer of the first Russian aircrafts –  Stepan Grizodubov – and his daughter, a famous aviator, Hero of the Soviet Union, Valentina Grizodubovа. The story of the Grizodubov family, since the year 1900, is actually the history of the original creation of the first Russian planes, gliders and aerosleighs. It's the story of Valentina Grizodubova, from her first flights as a child to those days when she initiated the establishment of the flight test facility "Vzlet", which later grew into a scientific development and production center and an air transport enterprise. And also the story of the world nonstop flight distance record achieved by Valentina Grizodubova and kept by her for 42 years!
